Thursday, December 6, 2007

Roller Coaster

What Sucks:

Having someone you care deeply about and would do anything for, and having them not even notice. Wanting to tell them your deep innermost feelings and how they have complete control over them, but not having the courage to say anything because you don't want to ruin "what you have." Sitting home alone listening to depressing songs who's lyrics feel like they were ripped right out of your depressed, doubting heart and forcing yourself to relive every moment you've spent with them.

What Doesn't Suck:

Having a freaking awesome weekend. First of all, I was in St. George. I am a big fan of that place. It feels like home. More importantly though, sitting and enjoying your time with someone who makes you completely forget that you were a lovesick fool. And because of this company, feeling like there is light seeping down through the dark rain clouds of emotional despair, allowing you to understand that you could live without her.

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