Thursday, December 6, 2007

Communicate for a Happy Nate

(originally posted on September 15, 2007)

Communication. There is an old Cliche about it. "You can't not communicate." This basically implies that everything you do is communicating something to others. What you wear is saying something about you to anyone who sees you. If you don't write someone back who texts you, you are communicating something to them. Cool huh?

You know what drives me insane? Not communicating. "But Nate," you might say, "you just told me that you can't not communicate. Aren't you contradicting yourself?" No. I'm not. The fact that she's not communicating with me is communicating something to me. But that's not good enough. Please open your mouth and talk to me. I go crazy not knowing what you're thinking.

You know what else drives me insane? Road Construction. Is Udot really that retarded? How long has it taken you to work on I-15 in Ogden? Oh, you don't know? I do. Too damn long. Seriously. What the hell. Don't close the freeway at night and make me drive through Ogden. I hate Ogden. The only good thing that ever came out of Ogden was the movie "Drive Me Crazy" and that wasn't even very good. Please Udot, don't make my long ass drive home any less pleasant.

What long ass drive you ask? Oh, just the 140 miles I drive almost every day to work. And you know what greets me at mile 130? A red light. In the middle of freaking-podunk-i-don't-even-know-what-city, there is a stop light. I have never seen anyone on this intersecting street, yet the light is always red when I get to it. Why mysterious stop light do you do this to me? Not only are you hurting my Gas Mileage, but you make me actually have to use my feet to drive. I don't want to use my feet to drive in freaking-podunk-I-don't-even-know-what-city. I want to use my cruise control.

I realize the title of this blog/note is not fitting for all of the subject matter Marty. I don't care. Grow up.

Grammar Lession #3

This one goes out to all my Brothers. The word is mouTH. Not mouf. Teeth, not teef.

And Sarah, the word "no" only has one syllable.

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