Thursday, December 6, 2007

Random Blabberings of the ADD Kid

So it's raining outside and the satellite is out. Therefore I am stuck doing something my good friend Marty does quite frequently. No, you dirty minded freaks, I am talking about writing a blog. Here is what's going through my mind right now.

Thought #1: Recently Returned Missionaries are big dorks. I think a few of us escaped the awkward stage pretty quickly, but most of them really need a mentor walking around with them informing them what is socially acceptable and what isn't. Since I cannot and will not commit to such an obligation for any price that any of you can afford, I will offer one piece of advice out of the goodness of my heart: YOU CANNOT TUCK YOUR BUTTON UP SHIRTS IN TO YOUR JEANS. Sorry peeps, that just doesn't fly. In fact, you really shouldn't be tucking much of anything in. So until you are capable of good judgement again mister recently returned missionary, leave the tucking in for sundays.

Thought #2: I don't get you girls. Maybe it's cause I call you all girls instead of Women. I don't know. I just don't get what goes through your heads.

Thought #3: If someone looks annoyed with you, don't try to use your "niceness" to try and fix it. There is a reason they are annoyed with you and maybe they just need some space to get over it. Seriously, being fake isn't going to help the situation. I know your heart is in the right place and your mom always told you to "kill people with niceness," but really all you are doing is making me want to stab you in the jaw.

Thought #4: Rock Band is coming out in November for PS3 and Xbox 360. I am not really into video games, but with this game I know I am doomed to many more sleepless nights up at school. Having an apartment full of competitive musicians doesn't help either. We all get obsessed. Let's just pray I still graduate on time.

(originally posted on August 3, 2007)

Grammar Lesson: When do you use "I" and when do you use "me"? Sounds easy huh? Well all of you suck at it.

Correct sentence: My friends and I are going to a movie.
Incorrect Sentence: Me and my friends are going to a movie.
Correct sentence: My mom is taking me and my friends to a movie.
Incorrect sentence: My mom is taking my friends and I to a movie.

It's really quite simple. If you drop "my friends" would you say me or I? Do you say "Me am going to a movie?" or "My mom is taking I to a movie?" NO. Not even Germans who suck at english say that.

Think before you speak.

And people I still hear "I could care less" all the time. I even hear it on TV. Really how hard is it to add one syllable to your phrase to correct it? It's not. CouldN'T. Seriously people.

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