Monday, November 30, 2009

RBADDK (Bringing in the winter time)

-I am going to plug my band again because we are super awesome and everyone needs some 80s music in their life sometimes. We are playing a lot more often so you have more chances to come see us. For updates join our facebook group and/or text 88mph to 69852. Do it.

-One of the worse jobs to have is the dude who puts boots on cars. Talk about a buzz kill. Seriously. No one likes you. Not even your parents. Don't believe me? Then why did they name you Lyle? Your job is almost as stupid as your name.

(Actual Lyle not pictured)

-Whoopsie Doo Doll? WTF? Not ok Hasbro, not ok. Whoopsie Doo goes number 1 and number 2!

-Season 2 of almost any series is a wonderful season. The plot line may not be the best, but that's the season that all the almost pretty characters in the first season get a big makeover and become pretty. And I like pretty people.

-You have stupid uniforms and a stupid field Boise State. Oh yeah, and stupid fans with stupid attitudes. You have become my second most hated college and I secretly hope you get snubbed from the BCS again this year.

-One of my least favorite things in the world is stepping out of a nice hot shower to a cold bathroom. I almost four hate it.

-Dear Dumb People on Facebook and Around Me at the Football Game,

Stop thinking you know something about football. You don't and you sound stupid.

-Speaking of, I've said it before but I'm saying it again. I HATE stupid fans. I hate the way stupid fans of the team I root for think and act and I hate the way stupid fans of my team's rival think and act. Stop being stupid. Please?

-Continuing with that thought, facebook statii should be turned off one week before and after rivalry week. It's a lot safer that way and your relationships will not be in jeopardy solely based on your blinded fandom.

-It's a really good thing he's a good lyricist, cause Chris Carrabba of Dashboard Confessional is not pleasant to listen to. Especially live.

-if you are one of those people who slow down traffic to see what's going on on the side of the road, I will punch you square in the baby maker.

-High School kids are super lazy. How hard is it to write down the answers I am giving you on the worksheet I just gave you? Apparently pretty damn.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

RBADDK (Dear [....] Edition)

-Dear Girl I Once Dated,

Wanting you to stop dating other people after almost half a year of dating does not make me the girl of the relationship. Oh yeah, and saying "Well, you are the guy I see the most" is still not an acceptable response.

-Dear St. George,

I love you so much. I always speak so highly of you... so why do you have to make me be all itchy? Not cool STG, not cool.

-Dear Becca Schwartz,

You are fantastic. Please mother my children. Seriously. (Those of you who don't know, she is Rusty in Footloose down at Tuacahn and she is out of this world good. If you've seen her before you know exactly what I am saying).

-Dear Director and Choreographer of "Annie" at Tuacahn,


-Dear Logan,

I don't miss everything about you, but I sure do enjoy visiting you. And man, you sure are pretty in the summer. (and I guess my roommates are pretty cool too) (Oh yeah, and I do mean the city, although I am sure there are a few people named Logan who are also pretty in the summer)

-Dear Dating in the Dark,

You are so evil. We all know looks really do matter. The only thing you are doing is making these mildly attractive people slip into a deep depression when the show airs after they hear what the other person said about them, and see their reaction to the way they look. Bad Form ABC, but thank you for the awkward laughs. (I know what you are thinking and the answer is Yes, I just pulled out a quote from "Hook")

-Dear AT&T,

How hard is it to allow picture messaging on my iPhone? Pick me, Pick me!!! IT'S NOT. Quit being greedy, all you are doing is pissing off all the people who are forced to be with you and they will have absolutely NO loyalty when your exclusive contract with Apple runs out.

-Dear Person Who's Blog I Admittedly Once Read and is Thinking I Stole this Idea From You,

While your blog is moderately entertaining, I didn't. Don't flatter yourself.

-Dear Big Dreams,

Don't leave me because I neglect you sometimes. I promise I think about you all the time.

-Dear Paula Abdul,

Thank you for taking your awkwardness to such extremes the last few seasons. Enjoy unemployment. I'd teach you how to cope, but you make me want to punch a baby.

-Dear Jonathon Groff,

I thought you were great when I saw you live in Spring Awakening, but here's some advice for you: you should either A: sing in tune or B: not let people post a video of you sucking hard core on youtube. Think about it.

(warning video contains some adult language)

With Love,


Monday, August 3, 2009

88 MPH. New Pictures

As I have mentioned before, I now play in an 80s Cover band called 88MPH. We just finished recording a quick demo and got some pictures taken.

I love playing in the band and we really have some talented musicians. It's not just a bunch of friends who want to make "music". It's musicians and performers who want to perform (and we might happen to be good buddies as well). Maybe I will try and upload a link for the demo a bit later.

If you want a kick ass 80s band for anything let me know.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


I just found out that I was cast in "Curtains" at Hale. The show just got off broadway and this is the Regional Premiere. It is a fast paced, murder-mystery, musical comedy. The script is very clever. I imagine it will be a fan favorite. Probably one of the best shows you've never heard of.

As you can see, this was the show David Hyde Pierce starred in on Broadway. I will be playing Bobby, the Dancer/Choreographer/Leading Man of the show with in the show. I highly recommend you come see the show. It runs October 5-November 21st. I'll let you know later what nights I am in the show.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

RBBADDK (Susan Boyle Sucks)

I stopped writing my American Idol blog because I stopped caring about the show. For the two of you who care, here are some thoughts to sum up the last couple weeks of the show: The most talented person didn't win. The two most innovative people were in the Finale. Kris still looks super awk when singing high with his tight jaw. Adam still wears crazy shit.

I do love the big controversy surrounding the voting right now though. Quick update for those of you who haven't heard: There were some AT&T employees at a couple Kris Allen parties in Arkansas showing the guests there how to "Power Text." Power Texting sends up to 10 messages with the click of a button and is "not allowed" for voting. They were even rumored to have supplied AT&T cell phones to people at the party who don't have AT&T. (You can only text vote with AT&T).

Fox's response? "Who cares. It's our show and we can do whatever we want" (Ok, so that's not an exact quote). I still do and will enjoy the show even if it might be a little rigged. It's a TV show first and foremost- Talent Competition second.

Now onto some more awesome thoughts:

-I saw a Danny Gokey look-a-like today. Even down to the 2-day beard and square glasses. It turns out I know who he is. I know what you are wondering and the answer is yes. Unlike Danny Gokey, this ass clown is a douche bag.

-Susan Boyle sucks. Her story is touching. Her voice, however, is super sucky. Would I boo her off the stage if she was singing in Church? No. But I wouldn't even cast her in a show if I was looking for a frumpy, frizzy haired, late 40s, british woman for a show. I am very pleased she did not win.

-Speaking of Britain's Got Talent- Why don't they get better singers on there? The best singer by far on the whole show was a 12 year old boy. The dance crews were pretty entertaining though.

-You probably shouldn't be engaged if we were making out no more than 6 weeks before. Just sayin.

-If you are a fan of Superman but don't know much of his story, please don't actively pursue the knowledge of his life. I promise it will just make you mad. As charming as Chris Reeves was, those Superman movies are super lame to the max. And the new one? Just as bad. Just go on enjoying the fact that he is a good guy who takes off his glasses and parts his hair to the other side and people don't recognize him. Don't worry about how he got his powers.

-As I stopped in Brigham City for a drink and to use the restroom, I was forced to come to this conclusion: Urinals should never have drain holes shaped like the male anatomy. You may try and tell me It's a coincidence, but I don't agree. Someone thinks they are funny. Never seen such a thing? Well I have proof that it does exist.

-My hell I get sick of reading some facebook statii. I am not saying I agree or disagree with this whole gay marriage ban. But what I will say is that I agree with the Supreme Court upholding the results of the vote that took place. WE as people have the RIGHT to vote. Would it not be unconstitutional to overturn what the majority of Californians voted for? Does that mean it's right? ..It doesn't completely matter at this point. That's why we vote on things. Put your energy to good use and start preparing your efforts to get it on the ballot again soon.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

AI Recap (top 4)

Adam Lambert: Hate the hair but was actually ok with his odd outfit. Maybe Rock and Roll is this dude's calling. He could have for sure rocked it hard in the Eighties. And done lots of dudes with thick mustaches. Probably shouldn't say this (cause it was Led Zeppelin) but didn't love the song. He sung the crap out if it.

Allison Iraheta: Love the hair this week (what the hell? Am I Paula?). Ok, I freaking love her. That's all. I don't even care if she was slightly pitchy towards the end of the song.

Kris and Danny: Kinda cool that they are singing together. Danny sounded awesome- Kris was good. Their Harmonies were pretty nice and tight.

Kris Allen: Dug it, but probably cause I love the song. Nothing out of this world, but good. His tone alone did change up the style of the song, but it wasn't special.

Danny Gokey: I think he is reading my blog because he has improved the verses of his songs a lot. Still better when the song picks up in the chorus though. That scream was DISGUSTING and I don't mean that in a good way.

Adam and Allison: Of course they had to have a special entrance... And this Adam Outfit=not ok. At least we know that he actually has junk? They looked like they were really having a good time. I respect that. The song was enjoyable mostly because of that.

I don't know what I want. Everyone is really good this year. I choose Kris to go home though. I am worried about Allison though.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

AI Recap (top 5)

I love this crew of people. Everyone of them can sing and everyone of them has a different style. Love it.

This was the best week so far for me. I love the old standards. Thank you Rat Pack

Kris Allen: I love that song, it was a nice arrangement. Nothing super unique about it. But he sounded good. He was iffy when flipping up to his false, but overall I enjoyed it.

Allison Iraheta: Holy freaking curse words. She Rocked this song so hard. She was outstanding. I absolutely loved it. I don't remember her showing the nice side of her voice yet and WOW, she nailed it.

Matt Giraud: Did some absolutely fantastic stuff in the song. His runs were spot on and that sustained note that Mr Foxx told him to hold out was superb. I do actually think the original key he sang it in with Jamie Foxx was a better key for him. The verse sounded better the very first time we heard him sing. The verse was lacking when he performed it.

Danny Gokey: He proved me wrong this week. Normally on a song like this the lower verse would be weak. But he sounded great from the first note to the last note. Did the same type of arrangement that he's done almost the whole show- But I really liked it this week. He was on his the top of his game.

Adam Lambert: He was good. It was kind of just a "blah" week for him this week. He sounded great, like always, but for Adam it was almost boring. Maybe it was just the odd arrangement of a great song.

Since I am so slow at posting this this week I didn't make a guess on the bottom three... but I can also comment on the results.

I do love Matt, but I am ok with him going home with this group of singers left. And with him leaving hopefully the so will the trend to wear stupid hats. I don't think we will be seeing Adam down that close to elimination next week. Everyone was so good this week, he just didn't stand out like he normally does. He'll be fine though

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

AI Recap (Top 6 +1)

I was so very happy that the judges used the save on Matt. He wont win, but he is better than some people left on the show.

Lil Rounds: GO HOME. No more of you and your huge, and I mean HUGE, butt.

Kris Allen: I liked the arrangement, but really he should have arranged another song that way. And if you are going to say the song means something, at least know what the hell you think it means. You just looked dumb. He sounded good though.

Danny Gokey: He chose a song where he could wail the whole time and he sounded great IMO. I liked Danny a lot this week.

Allison Iraheta: Homegirl sounded great. I thought the arrangement was actually good. I don't know why they didn't like it. But someone PLEASE help the girl out with a better fashion consultant.

Adam Lambert: Slowed it down and chilled it out just like I prefer him to do. He looked normal and sounded great. Best of the Week.

Matt Giraud: Was not excited about his song choice, but he did switch it up quite a bit and I liked it a lot. He did exactly what they wanted him to do, go back to singing all soulful like and make the song his own. I don't know how Simon said that was unoriginal.

Anoop Desai: Started off on a bad note (...double entendre), sounded fine in the middle and ended Horribly. Bye Bye Anoop. At least you look good in Pink.

Bottom Three:

Anoop Desai
Lil Rounds
Danny Gokey

(Don't be surprised if it's Matt again though, I just think his crew will come through for him this week)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

AI Recap (Top 7)

Allison Iraheta: Wasn't flawless, but I really enjoyed her. The only thing that will hold this girl back is her ugly hair. Will someone help her please?

Anoop Desai: The judges only like him when he sings a slow ballad. America doesn't like him enough anymore. He sounded good, I didn't love the arrangement.

Adam Lambert: And back to the yellie Adam again. Dude can perform. He knows how to work the stage. Song was overall good- just wish his new arrangements of upbeat songs wouldn't be totally yellie.

Matt Giraud: Had some rough spots but sang it overall very well. I actually liked the arrangement. The judges need to make up their minds. Should he change up a song or keep it the same? Stop it judges. You make no sense. He showed that flawless False again.

Danny Gokey: Endless Love? Seriously? And a harp arrangement? Ew. Gross. No thanks. Remember how I said before he's not good at the slow chill stuff? Well he's not. It's not til the songs pick up that he wails. Overall he is a still a favorite, but don't be surprised if he is in the bottom three sometime soon.

Kris Allen: Dude moves it the song up a whole step and still can't sing the low notes? Interesting. I love that song and he did sing it well, I just didn't like that he hit those notes full voice that are normally false. To me that's the feel of that song.

Lil Rounds: Ew, the Rose? WTF? And when the judges disliked you, you just had to say something didn't you? You sounded like Paula with the nonsense that cam out of your mouth. You were not good and you are not good. Please go home?

Bottom Three:

Lil Rounds
Anoop Desai
Matt Giraud (not cause I think he deserves it, but he got no love from the judges)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

AI Recap (Top 8)

Danny Gokey: I really do love his style. Homeboy can sing. I do wish he would concentrate a little bit better on the the slower non yellie stuff. That's his weakness right now. I hope America doesn't forget about him

Kris Allen: Interesting choice with the fans all around him and stuff. Was not feeling the song at all this week Kind of bland. I have been liking him more as of late- but this was not a strong week.

Lil Rounds: She doesn't do a single cool unique thing with her songs. She just sings all Black girl like and I'm sorry that's not enough. The song seemed bigger than her this week. And I thank Jesus that the judges agree with me.

Anoop Desai: Dude can sing (no, I am not intentionally quoting Randy). Sounded nice this week. I don't think America loves him anymore though. The problem is he needs to always sing all slow and soulful. People just feel awkward inside when he is trying to be hard core.

Scott MacIntyre: Seriously? What the hell? Just say no to the guitar. You played maybe 4 bar chords on that thing. NO! No guitar for you. He is nice guy and likable. But NO! Not ok this week.

Allison Iraheta: I have said this to many people before and it's coming obvious to everyone: Allison will easily have the best career out of any of the girls on this season. She has the awesome unique rawness to her voice. As long as she doesn't ruin it she will be successful. The judges were right this week. She does need a light image change, but that will happen with age and time. Oh yeah, I dug her again this week.

Matt Giraud: I Always like him and I again thought he was quite good. I love the flipping up to the false, he does it so freaking well. Matt loves to add Runs and he can do it very well- but it was little excessive this week IMO. Still love him though.

Adam Lambert: I actually really like him when he stays in his more mellow tone. When he flips to his false instead of his screamy mix he is very nice to listen to. It's just unpleasant to my ears when he stays up in the screamy mix all the time. Good week once again.

My Bottom Three:

Anoop Desai
Lil Rounds
Scott MacIntyre

P.S. The super awesome song on the ATT commercial? Landon Pigg "Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop". just sayin.

Monday, April 6, 2009

RBADDK (He's just not that into you... cause he likes boys)

-Dear Super Attractive Girl,

Your model of a boyfriend is totally super gay. Like Super Hero Gay. He knows it. Everyone around knows it. It's time you knew it. Dump his uncomfortably pretty face and call me.

-I have made this announcement before, I am infatuated with the ability to Hide people on Facebook. That person that I only kind of know who updates there status every three hours and thinks they are funny but they are not? Hidden on my page. The "friend" who is bitter at life and their status makes you want to slit your wrists? HIdden. Did you know that this person is the most like this Twilight character? I didn't. Are you up to date on the relationship status of that couple that is always breaking up and getting back together? I'm not. Thank you new new Facebook.

-Baseball season is now open and I am elated about it. I am quite excited to watch my Braves play. Also, anyone up for some Bee's Games? Now that I am not committed to be somewhere 6 nights a week all summer long I am planning on going many times this summer.

-Also, Liking the Red Sox is trendy and stupid. Stop it.

-30 Rock is Genius. You NEED to start watching if you aren't already.

-Easter candy is by far the best candy. And it's not even close. Reese's Peanut Butter cups are wonderful all year round, but those Reese's Eggs? Immeasurably better. Jelly Beans used to suck. Not anymore. Thank you Starburst. Marshmellows are also good all season long but Easter Peeps make me salivate.

-If while reading my blog you said Reesies in your head, I will find you and I will punch you.

See the apostrophe? I do too. That means it belongs to some dude names Reese. It's possessive.

-I liked Megan Joy Corkery, but the second she "Cawed" I lost all desire to see her on TV anymore. WTF was that?

-Stop Hating on me for posting about AI. Just deal with it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

AI Recap (top 9)

I need to start out with a bit of a venting session. I CANNOT STAND PAULA ABDUL. Oh my hell I hate her. I used to enjoy her overall friendly attitude, but homegirl is so drugged out she cannot make any sense with out a pre-prepared speech. I am positive that she prepares her comments (has some producer write it for her) way before the contestant actually sings. If she doesn't have it prepared she just rambles nonsense. Homegirl is crazy.

I also firmly believe the producers influence the judges comments quite a bit a lot of the time.

Annnnnd Scene, onto the recap:

Anoop Desai: Ok. You aren't going to win the competition. It's official. I like you. I like that you are nerdy. But it's played itself out. Oh yeah, you sounded fine this week.

Megan Joy: You make me happy because of your quirkiness. I love your odd outfits (minus the boob-i-licious one), your cute little pointy ears and the uniqueness of your voice. But your limited range is about to show you the exit. Maybe not this week, but I think America is over it.

Danny Gokey: You were good. Blah Blah Blah. You are safe again. Blah Blah. PS. Thanks for not sounding like the Rascal Flats guy, I want to run him over with a lawn aerator.

Allison Iraheta: I actually didn't mind the outfit- but that hair was sick. Not the "crazy awesome" sick either, the "wake up in the middle of the night and feel like you are going to explode but not sure from which hole" sick. You sounded good again and should be safe. But honey, don't bring out the guitar for 15 seconds of the song. Either play it for real or leave it home.

Scott MacIntyre: Good song choice for him. He was tolerable this week- his 80's mullet was not, but he was. I would still be ok if they politely showed him the door- and by "showed him" I mean have his smily brother escort him to the door (too soon?).

Matt Giraud: The judges are crazy. He sounded great. The song is fairly unknown but I don't know why they laid into him. Please bless he is still around next week. Amen.

Lil Rounds: WHY IS SHE STILL ON THE SHOW??? No more, Please! At least her kids are cute.

Adam Lambert: Did I tell you the screamy, sing way too high way too often, creepy stare into your soul Adam would be back this week? Yes, Yes I did. I do love that you change the song up a lot every week. I don't love feeling like you stole my innocence after you sing though.

Kris Allen: sounded good again. As good as the Judges said? Not nearly, but still good. I am ok with him staying around a few more weeks.

My not so confident Bottom Three:

Anoop Desai
Megan Joy
Lil Rounds

(Am I leaving out Matt because of my man-crush on him? Why yes, yes I am.)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

AI Recap (Top Ten)

Matt Giraud: I was a little nervous when I heard what song he was singing. But dude nailed it once again. I hope Randy and Simon's proclamation that he is a front runner is now true. I don't really dig the whole start out with an instrument and move away from it thing though.

Kris Allen: Sounded good again. There is still something missing though. I am a big acoustic music fan and I feel like I should really like him, but I am still not convinced.

Scott MacIntyre: Remember that time last week when I said I was starting to like him? Yeah, it's gone. I hated him this week. What a poor song choice.

Megan Joy: Not a good week for her at all. Some nice moments in her song, but overall very unimpressive. She was very pitchy at first. And she only did her awkward Megan wiggle once tonight- I have a love/hate relationship with the Megan Wiggle.

Anoop Desai: Good week for Anoop. He chose again to chill it out this week and it was a good choice. He'll be safe

Michael Sarver: Dude bugs. Please America be done with him. He is not bad- just needs to go home to his little Beast child. He did seem to be all over the place tonight as well.

Lil' Rounds: She looked better this week.... But the Token Black Girl with a "big voice" is probably the worst Token Black girl that has made it this far in the show in the last few years. Go Home to your three children soon please.

Adam Lambert: GREAT week for Adam. He didn't freak me out with his death stare, he didn't scream at me and sing 3 octaves above a normal dude's range the whole song and he looked half normal. That was the smartest thing I have seen done so far this season. He sounded great- he looked great. Don't worry all you Adam lovers, he'll be back to himself again next week.

Danny Gokey: Awesome song choice. Has yet to have a bad week. Ditched the abominable snowman jacket and did his thing once again.

Allison Iraheta: She needs to STAY on this show. I really hope she is the last Girl left. She rocked it tonight. Was super spunky and poised. She sounded great.

My Bottom Three Predictions:

Michael Sarver
Megan Joy
Scott MacIntyre

AI Recap (Top Eleven)

I know I am a week late with this, but I wrote it so I am posting it. Stop yelling.

Michael Sarver: Eh... He was fine. Nothing horrible about it, I just don't like him much for some reason. Maybe it's cause he still reminds me of the Beast from the Beauty and the Beast TV series from the late 80s.

Allison Iraheta: I still want to hate her. But I cannot. I really do love her voice- I don't care if she sings unhealthily. Girl can sing.

Kris Allen: He proved tonight that he really can sing. But for some reason he is forgettable. I like him- just not in one of my top few.

Lil' Rounds: was fine. She can sing. She has a huge booty. Blah blah. Same ol' Same ol'. I am hoping she doesn't make it very far.

Adam Lambert: Johnny Cash was with out a doubt rolling over uncomfortably in his grave. It was an interesting performance of "Ring of Fire" I didn't hate it- But I do hate him staring at me via the camera every week. Dude, you are scaring the children. Calm down.

Scott MacIntyre: I like him. I like his slow vibrato. Every week I like him more and more. But I will always think he is still on the show because of sympathy votes and that bugs me. Song was fine this week, but his goofy smile and personality made me like him.

Alexis Grace: forgettable week for her. Her past performances will probably keep her on and she wasn't bad. Just not impressive this week. And her little attitude kind of rubbed me the wrong way this week.

Danny Gokey: was a bit timid at first (probably just because the song starts out in his low range which seems to not be his favorite place) but dude rocked it. I love him changing up songs that I wouldn't dare to touch and making me like that he did. Reminds me of what David Cook did last year (except David Cook borrowed his arrangements from people).

Anoop Desai: did get back to version of Anoop that got him this far. he really has soul and can sing. He did well and will be safe. I don't see him going super far in the competition though.

Megan Joy: holy boobs. I have a crush on her and I was a bit uncomfortable with that dress. But I loved the look over all and think she did enough to stay around another week. She is intriguing. I like seeing what she brings to the table each week.

Matt Giraud: Man-Crush alert. Matt just made my man-crush list after a couple weeks of flirting with it. I love his style and I love that he is a dueling piano man. Still don't think he will win, but I want him on the show for many weeks to come.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Dear DI Cell Phone Thief,

"How much is the reward?" is not an acceptable question. We are not in negotiations here. You claimed Bryan's phone at the DI when an old man asked if anyone lost it. The phone is two years old, beat up and that model is on Ebay for $15. You can't even get only $15 dollars at out of an ATM. So when you call us back and ask "how much is the phone worth to you?" The answer is 0 dollars. It is worth 0 dollars and you are a douche.

Good luck using the free internet at the Library to list it on Ebay.

With Love,


(Dear Reader, don't worry about why I was at the DI. With Love, Cope)

Friday, March 20, 2009

RBADDK (March Madness)

-President Obama filled out a bracket for the NCAA tourny. In response to him not picking Duke to make it to the Final Four Coach K (coach of Duke University) made this comment "As much as I respect what he's doing, really, the economy is something that he should focus on, probably more than the brackets." The comment overall is accurate, President Obama should focus more on the problems with the economy than the NCAA Tourny. But do you really think he sat in the Oval Office for hours and contemplated his picks for the NCAA tourny? That's a big fat hell no. He is just being the personable, likable President everyone wanted. Coach K, thank you for helping bring back the Gold Medal to the good ol USA, but get over it. (He did later make an announcement that he was just being playful... It's just an emotion we don't ever see from him)

-This recent change in weather has caused me to want to frolic through daffodils. Yeah, I said it.

-March Madness is upon us. And that is glorious.

-What is not glorious however, is the NCAA's anti bias towards "mid-majors". Utah State probably wouldn't have made the field of 65 had they not won the conference tourny. That is a 30 win team. And how do they get rewarded for winning the auto bid? With an 11 seed. Ridiculous. BYU had another great season, beat some really good teams played some powerhouses ridiculously close and took a share of the MWC title. Their prize? An 8 seed rematch against a quality team. The Utes (whom I still hate) took a share of the Regular season title, had huge wins and won the MWC tourny. They were probably seeded higher than they deserve, but who do they get to play? Oh, just a team that has the longest consecutive NCAA tourny births. Going into the Conference tourny the MWC was predicted to have 4 teams make it to the tourny. UNLV and New Mexico played their way out, but SDSU should have played themselves in... I am not crying foul play- just think the system is all sorts of F-ed up.

-I was pretty anti Twitter for a while. But now I am pretty in love with it. Not only can I update the world on my thoughts, I can also see what John Mayer (my man-crush), Sophia Bush (my Celebrity crush), and Neil Patrick Harris (my... Tell the Pants Story?) are doing and thinking. I digg..

-If you have Twitter follow me

-I am avidly watching American Idol and have some strong opinions about it and the people on it. So strong in fact, that I may update my opinions on the show weekly. Don't hate.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

RBADDK (All I do is perform anymore..)

Yes I know I suck at updating my blog the last little bit. Don't hate.

-Phantom is basically sold out. But still come try and see it. It runs til April 18 and I am in the Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday cast. I do both the 4:00 PM and the 7:30 PM shows on Saturday. There are a few weekday matinees that I do as well. Ask the Box Office which cast is supposed to do the show if you have questions.

-The other show I am in opens up on the 26th of March and runs til June 6th. It is called "American Fork Idol" and it is at the Desert Star in Murray. It's super over the top (like all the shows there) but if you are a fan of American Idol you should enjoy it. My character's name is Bo Biceps and I am in the shows on Monday Wednesday and Friday- and occasionally the first show on Saturdays.

-Speaking of American Idol. I have a man-crush on Matt Giraud.

-And what about this guy?

Tell me he doesn't look eerily similar to this guy:

I hope he's gone ASAP bytheway. No more Michael Sarver please. And no more Lil' Rounds.

-All my ex-roommates all went on a cruise for spring break. WTF? Why did we never do that when I was there? What did we do for our spring breaks when I was in Logan? Oh yeah, went down to Zions Ponderosa and got snowed in and all made out with the same chick. That's right. I forgot for a second.

-I am going to go out on a limb and say that Marty Archibald is one of the coolest people I know. One of the oddest people I know? Yes. Super crazy awesome? Hell Yes.

-I am lightly addicted to puzzles... how lame is that? Super crazy lame. It's true. But it keeps me entertained during my 42 page break of the show.

-I am a really good complainer. Just sayin

-I recently was reamed out by a douchebag for telling people about how much of a douche he was. And then the douchebag fronted me on it (which I can respect) and in the process of trying to intimidate an apology out of me he proved how much of a douche he really was by lying to me about the situation. I'll take being an ass over a douche any day of the week.

-And now that the doucebag usage quota is filled for the last few months, I am done.

Cope out

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Facebook Sensation Continues on Blogger... 25 Random Facts

1- When I was growing up I got made fun of because my ears were big and stuck out. I am still very self conscious about it

2- Despite the negative opinions I often express, I am a pretty optimistic person.

3- I often go on a roller coaster ride about my musical talent. Somedays I think I rock, somedays I think I super suck.

4- I have the worst luck with cars. I never want to do engine work on one again.

5- I would do anything to date Sophia Bush... anything.

6- I once kissed a girl solely because she had a hot accent

7- Growing up one of my favorite places to visit was Gunnison, Utah. In fact, the first girl I ever kissed was from Gunnison.

8- It took 5 people to tag me before I finally decided to do this thing.

9- I love writing. Blogs, Songs, occasional poems. Love it. I always hated papers in school though.

10- I am a friend slut. I love all my friends, but I never had one group of friend that I stayed with for very long. And that makes me sad.

11- I very, very rarely lie. If I do, it's only to make someone feel better.

12- I have never been in a romantic relationship where "I love you" was said.

13- I secretly enjoy chick flicks.

14- I never wanted to look up to my brother but I always have.

15- I was raised the right way and will be forever grateful to my parents that I was.

16- I love Saint George with everything. My years at Dixie are my fondest memories.

17- I sometimes curse to keep judgmental people away from me

18- I sometimes think people I don't know very well hate me.

19- Despite being super confident most the time, I super suck at asking girls out.

20- When I was little I used to cry all the time. Excluding funerals and leaving on my mission, I think under 10 people have seen me cry in the last 10 years.

21- I sometimes wish I would have had a wild streak.

22- I have the coolest Grandparents. I wish everyone could meet them. One of my grandmas nick names is "Grandma Shit." I am sad that my kids will probably never know them.

23- The first CD I ever bought myself was the Spice Girls in Junior High School and I am man enough to admit that.

24- I see the good in people, almost to a fault. I also think I can fix everyone's problems. I can't, but I keep trying.

25- For the longest time I really, honestly thought that I would be famous. I wasn't sure for what, but I really thought I would. I am only now coming to the realization that it probably wont happen.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

RBADDK (Bringing RB back)

Okay fine. I'll stop being all boring and depressing.

-Dear Riverton Cop,

You are a Douche. Just a quick rule of thumb, if you ask someone a question you should let them answer you. And why do you think you are so cool? Telling me you could cite me for this infraction and that infraction is super hard core. And by that I mean isn't at all hard core. And then you just let me off without even a warning? I don't get you.

-Where the F does "rule of thumb" come from? Someone Cha Cha it.

-I still freaking love John Mayer. He is my eternal Man-Crush. (If any of you start using "Bro-Mance" I will track you down and punch you square in the face)

-Dear Ex-Facebook Friend,

I know you are upset I deleted you as a friend, but do you blame me? Every time I signed on you attacked me via Facebook Chat. Just because I accepted your friend request a year ago on Facebook doesn't mean we are real life friends. We don't kick it on the weekends. We don't go grab lunch to catch up. I didn't just break up with you, I deleted you because I you make me want to stick rusty nails through my eye lids.

-I want to run my Neon off a cliff.

-I do not pride myself as much of a video game player, but I super rock at all three Super Mario Brothers on the original Nintendo. And I am embarrassingly good at Guitar Hero. I'm no John Nielson. But I am better than I should be.

-There was this one time that I was really surprised when a girl I was on a date with didn't want to cuddle with me. Man, I am a douche. Me and that cop should go kick it.

-I now play bass in an 80's band called 88MPH. Anyone who can guess where that name comes from is crazycool (one word). Come see us play sometime... And by sometime I mean when we have a gig. And by that I mean if you want to book a rockin' 80's band for something let me know.

-I think I have the smallest bladder ever.

-Dear Cleaning Girl at Bryan's House

Don't ask my opinion on college football if you are a dumb ass. If you want to have a real discussion about it, I'm game. But don't ask for my opinion then respond with "blah, blah, Utes, blah, blah, number 1, blah, blah." (I use quotes cause that's exactly what my ears heard). At least have an educated argument. You lost your right to speak. Now, go finish cleaning Bryan's bathroom.

Grammar Portion Returns:

To? Too? Two?

If you use "too" correctly, the other ones should fall into place.

Too is used when meaning "excessively" or "also."

I ate too much. I want to go to the store too!

I sometimes suck at this, but it's really not all that hard. If you don't know how to use the number two correctly you need to go back to resource.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thought of the Day #2

When did integrity lose it's appeal?

Thought of the Day #1

It's a lot easier to move on from someone when you have someone else to focus your attention on.
(it also helps if the one you are trying to get over isn't freaking gorgeous)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Falling Out of Love

Dating is stupid. I wrote this super awesome depressing song the other day. Although it doesn't express my overall view on life and love, it expresses how I feel sometimes about it. I think we all lose hope that Love exists from time to time. Maybe I'll get around to recording it sometime soon.

And Jarell, I am sorry that you are going to hate this post. (It's a total downer and not funny whatsoever, so don't feel obligated to read it)

Fallin back now
Fallin ‘way from
Fallin out of love

Sparks have faded into darkness
Dreams have slowly disappeared
Waiting for someone can do this
Waiting only brings you tears.

A Jaded Heart can never love you
A broken soul can only pray
Don’t believe the “what could be” you fool,
What’s buried deep is there to stay

No, don’t let nobody find you
Seems true love cannot be found
If you let somebody near you
What’s left of you is thrown around

Fallin back now
Fallin ‘way from
Fallin out of love