Monday, March 23, 2009

Dear DI Cell Phone Thief,

"How much is the reward?" is not an acceptable question. We are not in negotiations here. You claimed Bryan's phone at the DI when an old man asked if anyone lost it. The phone is two years old, beat up and that model is on Ebay for $15. You can't even get only $15 dollars at out of an ATM. So when you call us back and ask "how much is the phone worth to you?" The answer is 0 dollars. It is worth 0 dollars and you are a douche.

Good luck using the free internet at the Library to list it on Ebay.

With Love,


(Dear Reader, don't worry about why I was at the DI. With Love, Cope)


Seth & Edna said...

How do you know the man is old?

David and Julie said...

I saw you in Phantom last night. You did a great job. We were going to say hi afterwards but you weren't out front yet. Great job though!

jill said...

Stealing that cellphone? There is stuff they could have stolen from DI that was more valuable! =)