Monday, November 30, 2009

RBADDK (Bringing in the winter time)

-I am going to plug my band again because we are super awesome and everyone needs some 80s music in their life sometimes. We are playing a lot more often so you have more chances to come see us. For updates join our facebook group and/or text 88mph to 69852. Do it.

-One of the worse jobs to have is the dude who puts boots on cars. Talk about a buzz kill. Seriously. No one likes you. Not even your parents. Don't believe me? Then why did they name you Lyle? Your job is almost as stupid as your name.

(Actual Lyle not pictured)

-Whoopsie Doo Doll? WTF? Not ok Hasbro, not ok. Whoopsie Doo goes number 1 and number 2!

-Season 2 of almost any series is a wonderful season. The plot line may not be the best, but that's the season that all the almost pretty characters in the first season get a big makeover and become pretty. And I like pretty people.

-You have stupid uniforms and a stupid field Boise State. Oh yeah, and stupid fans with stupid attitudes. You have become my second most hated college and I secretly hope you get snubbed from the BCS again this year.

-One of my least favorite things in the world is stepping out of a nice hot shower to a cold bathroom. I almost four hate it.

-Dear Dumb People on Facebook and Around Me at the Football Game,

Stop thinking you know something about football. You don't and you sound stupid.

-Speaking of, I've said it before but I'm saying it again. I HATE stupid fans. I hate the way stupid fans of the team I root for think and act and I hate the way stupid fans of my team's rival think and act. Stop being stupid. Please?

-Continuing with that thought, facebook statii should be turned off one week before and after rivalry week. It's a lot safer that way and your relationships will not be in jeopardy solely based on your blinded fandom.

-It's a really good thing he's a good lyricist, cause Chris Carrabba of Dashboard Confessional is not pleasant to listen to. Especially live.

-if you are one of those people who slow down traffic to see what's going on on the side of the road, I will punch you square in the baby maker.

-High School kids are super lazy. How hard is it to write down the answers I am giving you on the worksheet I just gave you? Apparently pretty damn.


Seth & Edna said...

You're wrong about Dashboard.

jill said...

so you are a teacher now huh, the visual in my head is pretty awesome, lol. And boo! to boise.

Chels said...

Bwah ha ha... "If you are one of those people who slow down traffic to see what's going on on the side of the road, I will punch you square in the baby maker." I love that story...I just do. And I miss you...I am glad I found your blog :)