Monday, August 3, 2009

88 MPH. New Pictures

As I have mentioned before, I now play in an 80s Cover band called 88MPH. We just finished recording a quick demo and got some pictures taken.

I love playing in the band and we really have some talented musicians. It's not just a bunch of friends who want to make "music". It's musicians and performers who want to perform (and we might happen to be good buddies as well). Maybe I will try and upload a link for the demo a bit later.

If you want a kick ass 80s band for anything let me know.


Anonymous said...

Oh this is too funny!! I hope it works out for you. I love the ghost buster picture!!

jill said...

I think a kick ass 80's band is always needed everywhere...well maybe not sacrament, but definitly everywhere else. :)

Unknown said...

What's up? This is Danny Jewkes, wanna see your 88mph band on YouTube