Tuesday, December 23, 2008

RBADDK (Christmas Time is Here)

Happiness and cheer. Fun for all that children call their favorite time of year. Right? Wrong. I used to love Christmas. My extended family on both sides had super neat traditions, I looked forward to seeing my cousins and such and seeing what Grandma Copier would get me cause it was always super... unique (and probably from a garage sale) and, well, I love me some Christmas Candy. BUT now Christmas makes me sad. I sit around wishing it was what it once was. But everyone grew up and is boring. My brother and sister have other families to visit and spend time with, so I get to spend all day with the Parentals. Don't get me wrong, that's not the worst thing in the world, but i miss the old Christmas.

Okay onto the RBBADDK part...

-I am excited to give people the presents I got them. I wish I was rich then I could give people lots of things... (and let's be honest, I could buy myself what I want)

-Dear Julie, I love you. I do. But no one would read my blog if I didn't express my negative opinions. I am sorry, but I don't have that cute little wife and child to write about like the rest of the blogs you read, thus the awesome negative opinions. And they are awesome.

-I swear everywhere I am trying to go is where Udot is working on a road. They are really good at starting projects aren't they?

-I started watching Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog and I dig. Neil Patrick Harris is pretty brilliant. Those groupies for Captain Hammer made me chuckle. "We'd do the weird stuff"

-Dear Nate (yeah that's me), stop picking girls who don't treat you right. I know you see potential in them, but potential can only get you so far. You are good at reading people's non-verbals. Trust yourself.

-I just got cast in Phantom at Hale. No, not Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber, but Phantom by Maury Yeston. Same book, but different adaptations. I will be playing Phillipe, the love interest (Ironic, I know). That's the Raul Character in this version. Yay. Come see me. It opens the end of February.

-Ugly Christmas Sweater Parties are neat, see:

-Please go watch this. HIL-Larious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBHOL1PcPR8

-I started a blog originally as an emotional release, as a way for me to figure out what the hell was going through my head, but now I am nervous to post that stuff on here. That is dumb. I think I am going to have find some other sort of journal. Lame