Everybody knows the world is full of stupid people.
Because of my opportunity to tour this wonderful country the last couple months, these simple lyrics (to a pretty kick ass song) have started to ring true in my ears. I seriously never knew there were this many unintelligent people in the world. Don't believe me? Go to YouTube and pick any random video and read the people's comments.
Ok let us pick my brain-
-I constantly spell the word "okay" incorrectly. I don't really care all that much though. It just makes more sense to spell a word with just the two letters you are saying. You don't have a friend AJay. If you do, you should help the poor kid out because he/she probably doesn't have very many friends.
-There are way too many very attractive girls marrying ugly dudes. I know, I know, it's not all about looks. But Ladies, some of us have the whole package... (note: I am not bitter, I am just simply noticing a common trend).
-What? You didn't like that last comment? I'm just saying...
-I love me some Utah Jazz
-I would really appreciate some consistent weather. 70's one day and snowing the next? WTF Utah? Let's be honest, I am too lazy to check the weather report every morning to see if I should wear shorts or a coat.
-Why is there a traffic jam on I-15 everyday at 3 PM on the way to Farmington? It's 3 PM! Shouldn't you people be at work?
-I hate that my bathroom is currently upstairs. I don't want to go upstairs to use the bathroom. If my backyard was fenced in I would think about peeing out there. Seriously though, that's how bad I hate walking up the stairs. (what? I'm not fat.. yet)
Well Peeps, that's all you get from this blog. No grammar lesson. Got a problem with that? Deal with it. :)
-Cope Out
March and April 2012 according to Tanner
12 years ago