Thursday, May 27, 2010

RBADDK (I need to do this more often)

Some of the following are tweets from my past. If you followed me on twitter you wouldn't have to wait 5 months for a blog post.

-I'd still get physical with Olivia Newton John. No seriously, I would.

-I'm pretty sure the guys at Golds Gym forgot they are playing PICKUP basketball. They may not be as physical, but these games can get almost as heated as a Churchball game.

-My iPhone is considered a smart phone- but a 'smart' phone would know that Nathan James Copier is going to use "hell" much more often than "he'll." Stop autocorrecting me. I'm right, you're wrong, iPhone.

-Dear Camero in Front of me in the DriveThru at Greek Slovaki,

Please order the whole damn store from inside the store. PS your exhaust is literally killing me.... Oh yeah, and your stupid head is bald

-Here's a deep thought for you: Labels can be dangerous, but they also prevent food poisoning.
Another (not so funny) one: Normal is just average.

-Not so deep thought: If I can still smell you on my clothes a week after a brief side hug, you wear way too damn much perfume.

-Is it a problem that I honestly read the headline "Man shot in grocery store is IDed" and thought it meant 'iDead' - not 'identified'...?

-I don't think my TV thinks we're friends. Most of our interactions consist of me tossing profanities in it's direction.

-Speaking of TV, Community is my new favorite show. NBC Thursday is the highlight of my week. Please watch.

-I just bought myself a Loop Pedal for my guitar and I am loving it. I'll think about posting a video showing you all how cool it is.

I have good intentions of keeping this blog more active. We'll see what happens though