Wednesday, April 29, 2009

AI Recap (top 5)

I love this crew of people. Everyone of them can sing and everyone of them has a different style. Love it.

This was the best week so far for me. I love the old standards. Thank you Rat Pack

Kris Allen: I love that song, it was a nice arrangement. Nothing super unique about it. But he sounded good. He was iffy when flipping up to his false, but overall I enjoyed it.

Allison Iraheta: Holy freaking curse words. She Rocked this song so hard. She was outstanding. I absolutely loved it. I don't remember her showing the nice side of her voice yet and WOW, she nailed it.

Matt Giraud: Did some absolutely fantastic stuff in the song. His runs were spot on and that sustained note that Mr Foxx told him to hold out was superb. I do actually think the original key he sang it in with Jamie Foxx was a better key for him. The verse sounded better the very first time we heard him sing. The verse was lacking when he performed it.

Danny Gokey: He proved me wrong this week. Normally on a song like this the lower verse would be weak. But he sounded great from the first note to the last note. Did the same type of arrangement that he's done almost the whole show- But I really liked it this week. He was on his the top of his game.

Adam Lambert: He was good. It was kind of just a "blah" week for him this week. He sounded great, like always, but for Adam it was almost boring. Maybe it was just the odd arrangement of a great song.

Since I am so slow at posting this this week I didn't make a guess on the bottom three... but I can also comment on the results.

I do love Matt, but I am ok with him going home with this group of singers left. And with him leaving hopefully the so will the trend to wear stupid hats. I don't think we will be seeing Adam down that close to elimination next week. Everyone was so good this week, he just didn't stand out like he normally does. He'll be fine though

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

AI Recap (Top 6 +1)

I was so very happy that the judges used the save on Matt. He wont win, but he is better than some people left on the show.

Lil Rounds: GO HOME. No more of you and your huge, and I mean HUGE, butt.

Kris Allen: I liked the arrangement, but really he should have arranged another song that way. And if you are going to say the song means something, at least know what the hell you think it means. You just looked dumb. He sounded good though.

Danny Gokey: He chose a song where he could wail the whole time and he sounded great IMO. I liked Danny a lot this week.

Allison Iraheta: Homegirl sounded great. I thought the arrangement was actually good. I don't know why they didn't like it. But someone PLEASE help the girl out with a better fashion consultant.

Adam Lambert: Slowed it down and chilled it out just like I prefer him to do. He looked normal and sounded great. Best of the Week.

Matt Giraud: Was not excited about his song choice, but he did switch it up quite a bit and I liked it a lot. He did exactly what they wanted him to do, go back to singing all soulful like and make the song his own. I don't know how Simon said that was unoriginal.

Anoop Desai: Started off on a bad note (...double entendre), sounded fine in the middle and ended Horribly. Bye Bye Anoop. At least you look good in Pink.

Bottom Three:

Anoop Desai
Lil Rounds
Danny Gokey

(Don't be surprised if it's Matt again though, I just think his crew will come through for him this week)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

AI Recap (Top 7)

Allison Iraheta: Wasn't flawless, but I really enjoyed her. The only thing that will hold this girl back is her ugly hair. Will someone help her please?

Anoop Desai: The judges only like him when he sings a slow ballad. America doesn't like him enough anymore. He sounded good, I didn't love the arrangement.

Adam Lambert: And back to the yellie Adam again. Dude can perform. He knows how to work the stage. Song was overall good- just wish his new arrangements of upbeat songs wouldn't be totally yellie.

Matt Giraud: Had some rough spots but sang it overall very well. I actually liked the arrangement. The judges need to make up their minds. Should he change up a song or keep it the same? Stop it judges. You make no sense. He showed that flawless False again.

Danny Gokey: Endless Love? Seriously? And a harp arrangement? Ew. Gross. No thanks. Remember how I said before he's not good at the slow chill stuff? Well he's not. It's not til the songs pick up that he wails. Overall he is a still a favorite, but don't be surprised if he is in the bottom three sometime soon.

Kris Allen: Dude moves it the song up a whole step and still can't sing the low notes? Interesting. I love that song and he did sing it well, I just didn't like that he hit those notes full voice that are normally false. To me that's the feel of that song.

Lil Rounds: Ew, the Rose? WTF? And when the judges disliked you, you just had to say something didn't you? You sounded like Paula with the nonsense that cam out of your mouth. You were not good and you are not good. Please go home?

Bottom Three:

Lil Rounds
Anoop Desai
Matt Giraud (not cause I think he deserves it, but he got no love from the judges)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

AI Recap (Top 8)

Danny Gokey: I really do love his style. Homeboy can sing. I do wish he would concentrate a little bit better on the the slower non yellie stuff. That's his weakness right now. I hope America doesn't forget about him

Kris Allen: Interesting choice with the fans all around him and stuff. Was not feeling the song at all this week Kind of bland. I have been liking him more as of late- but this was not a strong week.

Lil Rounds: She doesn't do a single cool unique thing with her songs. She just sings all Black girl like and I'm sorry that's not enough. The song seemed bigger than her this week. And I thank Jesus that the judges agree with me.

Anoop Desai: Dude can sing (no, I am not intentionally quoting Randy). Sounded nice this week. I don't think America loves him anymore though. The problem is he needs to always sing all slow and soulful. People just feel awkward inside when he is trying to be hard core.

Scott MacIntyre: Seriously? What the hell? Just say no to the guitar. You played maybe 4 bar chords on that thing. NO! No guitar for you. He is nice guy and likable. But NO! Not ok this week.

Allison Iraheta: I have said this to many people before and it's coming obvious to everyone: Allison will easily have the best career out of any of the girls on this season. She has the awesome unique rawness to her voice. As long as she doesn't ruin it she will be successful. The judges were right this week. She does need a light image change, but that will happen with age and time. Oh yeah, I dug her again this week.

Matt Giraud: I Always like him and I again thought he was quite good. I love the flipping up to the false, he does it so freaking well. Matt loves to add Runs and he can do it very well- but it was little excessive this week IMO. Still love him though.

Adam Lambert: I actually really like him when he stays in his more mellow tone. When he flips to his false instead of his screamy mix he is very nice to listen to. It's just unpleasant to my ears when he stays up in the screamy mix all the time. Good week once again.

My Bottom Three:

Anoop Desai
Lil Rounds
Scott MacIntyre

P.S. The super awesome song on the ATT commercial? Landon Pigg "Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop". just sayin.

Monday, April 6, 2009

RBADDK (He's just not that into you... cause he likes boys)

-Dear Super Attractive Girl,

Your model of a boyfriend is totally super gay. Like Super Hero Gay. He knows it. Everyone around knows it. It's time you knew it. Dump his uncomfortably pretty face and call me.

-I have made this announcement before, I am infatuated with the ability to Hide people on Facebook. That person that I only kind of know who updates there status every three hours and thinks they are funny but they are not? Hidden on my page. The "friend" who is bitter at life and their status makes you want to slit your wrists? HIdden. Did you know that this person is the most like this Twilight character? I didn't. Are you up to date on the relationship status of that couple that is always breaking up and getting back together? I'm not. Thank you new new Facebook.

-Baseball season is now open and I am elated about it. I am quite excited to watch my Braves play. Also, anyone up for some Bee's Games? Now that I am not committed to be somewhere 6 nights a week all summer long I am planning on going many times this summer.

-Also, Liking the Red Sox is trendy and stupid. Stop it.

-30 Rock is Genius. You NEED to start watching if you aren't already.

-Easter candy is by far the best candy. And it's not even close. Reese's Peanut Butter cups are wonderful all year round, but those Reese's Eggs? Immeasurably better. Jelly Beans used to suck. Not anymore. Thank you Starburst. Marshmellows are also good all season long but Easter Peeps make me salivate.

-If while reading my blog you said Reesies in your head, I will find you and I will punch you.

See the apostrophe? I do too. That means it belongs to some dude names Reese. It's possessive.

-I liked Megan Joy Corkery, but the second she "Cawed" I lost all desire to see her on TV anymore. WTF was that?

-Stop Hating on me for posting about AI. Just deal with it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

AI Recap (top 9)

I need to start out with a bit of a venting session. I CANNOT STAND PAULA ABDUL. Oh my hell I hate her. I used to enjoy her overall friendly attitude, but homegirl is so drugged out she cannot make any sense with out a pre-prepared speech. I am positive that she prepares her comments (has some producer write it for her) way before the contestant actually sings. If she doesn't have it prepared she just rambles nonsense. Homegirl is crazy.

I also firmly believe the producers influence the judges comments quite a bit a lot of the time.

Annnnnd Scene, onto the recap:

Anoop Desai: Ok. You aren't going to win the competition. It's official. I like you. I like that you are nerdy. But it's played itself out. Oh yeah, you sounded fine this week.

Megan Joy: You make me happy because of your quirkiness. I love your odd outfits (minus the boob-i-licious one), your cute little pointy ears and the uniqueness of your voice. But your limited range is about to show you the exit. Maybe not this week, but I think America is over it.

Danny Gokey: You were good. Blah Blah Blah. You are safe again. Blah Blah. PS. Thanks for not sounding like the Rascal Flats guy, I want to run him over with a lawn aerator.

Allison Iraheta: I actually didn't mind the outfit- but that hair was sick. Not the "crazy awesome" sick either, the "wake up in the middle of the night and feel like you are going to explode but not sure from which hole" sick. You sounded good again and should be safe. But honey, don't bring out the guitar for 15 seconds of the song. Either play it for real or leave it home.

Scott MacIntyre: Good song choice for him. He was tolerable this week- his 80's mullet was not, but he was. I would still be ok if they politely showed him the door- and by "showed him" I mean have his smily brother escort him to the door (too soon?).

Matt Giraud: The judges are crazy. He sounded great. The song is fairly unknown but I don't know why they laid into him. Please bless he is still around next week. Amen.

Lil Rounds: WHY IS SHE STILL ON THE SHOW??? No more, Please! At least her kids are cute.

Adam Lambert: Did I tell you the screamy, sing way too high way too often, creepy stare into your soul Adam would be back this week? Yes, Yes I did. I do love that you change the song up a lot every week. I don't love feeling like you stole my innocence after you sing though.

Kris Allen: sounded good again. As good as the Judges said? Not nearly, but still good. I am ok with him staying around a few more weeks.

My not so confident Bottom Three:

Anoop Desai
Megan Joy
Lil Rounds

(Am I leaving out Matt because of my man-crush on him? Why yes, yes I am.)